Make your payments work for you. With UTK.

UTK Tokenomics
Circulating supply
704,112,145 UTK
Rewards & Cashback
172,619,665 UTK
Reserve pool
123,268,190 UTK
Max supply
1,000,000,000 UTK
See how it works
Token holders
Maximise your holdings with Guilds and DAO Governance
Create liquidity pools
Earn staking rewards
Up to 10% APR
Earn cashback on all your payments in the MultiversX network.
Crypto cashback with all payments
Get rewarded in UTK or EGLD
Turn your fees into profit with the all new xPayback program
Cashback on all payments processed
The Power of staking
and get rewards, bonuses, discounts, loyalty points, NFTs and more.
Put simply, Guilds are the current metastaking program for UTK with a lot more benefits. They will function similarly to staking pools with the Guild Master acting as the validator and all other Guild Members being able to stake any amount of UTK.
On top of that, Guilds are designed to offer more than just staking benefits. They act as bridges that allow Guild Masters to negotiate and source different rewards with merchants, such as bonuses, discounts, loyalty points, NFTs and more!
And regardless of negotiations, you’ll always have cashback on all your purchases. Crypto and fiat purchases.

Guild masters
The trailblazers creating the staking pools. After these are created and the rewards are generated Guild Masters can collect their rewards or restake them into the pool.
To establish a guild, a Guild Master must stake a minimum of 100K UTK for the first 10 guilds or 500K UTK for the remaining 40. The APR will increase based on the size of the guild, as follows:
Tier 1
500k - 6M
UTK Staked
10% APR
Tier 2
6M - 10M
UTK Staked
13% APR
Tier 3
10M - 12M
UTK Staked
16% APR
Guild members
Take advantage of the pools created by Guild Masters and earn rewards. Guild Members can stake their UTK to any Guild they choose.
The minimum stake amount is 100 UTK with an APR reward system based on the total UTK staked compared to the pool’s total supply like so:
Tier 1
Up to 20%
of pool supply staked
6% APR
Tier 2
20% - 25%
of pool supply staked
8% APR
Tier 3
Past 25%
of pool supply staked
10% APR
Frequent guild questions
Are the guilds UTK amounts limited?
Each guild is limited to a maximum of 12 million UTK. However, staking the rewards can exceed this limit, so the compounded rewards are not included in the capped amount.
How can I use the rewards from my guild?
Guild Masters and Members can see their initial UTK along with their rewards. These rewards are always liquid and ready to be claimed or compounded into the guild.
Can I withdraw funds used to create guilds?
Yes, you can always get all your funds back. To do so, there is a 20 epochs unbonding period period for the initial 500.000 tokens and a 10 epochs unboding period period for any amount above 500.000.
Can I close a guild I created?
If a Guild Master wants to close a guild, this will remove all his staked UTK with an unbounding period of 20 days. This way guild members have enough time to unstake their UTK and move to another Guild. During the unbounding period, guild members still receive rewards.
What happens if a guild I’m using closes?
Guild members of a guild that ceases to exist, can migrate to a new guild without the unbounding period applying. This way you’ll be back to earning APR immediately.
Can I move my stake to another guild?
Yes, guild members can always chose to move to a different guild. When you do so there will be a 10-day unstaking period, after which you’re free to pick any guild you want.
What network do the guilds use?
The guild mechanism runs entirely on the MultiversX network. If your UTK is still on Ethereum you’ll have to convert it before you start using guilds. You can learn how to that here ↗
Alchemy Lab
Stake and become a decision maker with DAO governence
This is how it works:
Alchemy lab
Every time a business is charged by xMoney, the correspondent to 5% of the fee will be sent in UTK to the Alchemy Lab
Governance vote
During a governance vote, guild members will be able to
decide what happens next
Transmute into Diamond
Guild members can vote to distribute these tokens between themselves and take rewards
Transmute into Air
Guild members can vote to send the tokens to a dedicated address on the MultiversX chain
Your vision. Your power. Your choice.
Become the main transmuter of the DAO and decide upon the fate of the UTK that is bought back from the market.
Cashback rewards
Get more when you pay or when you sell
For buyers
Receive a percentage back on every payment you make through the xMoney network. It really is that easy and you can benefit in two different ways:
Cashback in UTK for purchases made with crypto
Cashback in UTK or EGLD for purchases made with the xCard 1
For businesses
Businesses receive cashback for each payment processed, making xMoney an even more attractive option for handling payments.
This means businesses within our ecosystem will have the power to turn their fees into profit and earn money while doing their regular activity.
How does this work?
Every time a payment is processed and a fee is paid, xMoney allocates 5% of this amount in UTK, giving it back to the business. With us, businesses are rewarded by doing what they already do.
It’s a reverse cashback model carefully thought out to optimize this utility, rewarding the businesses that have chosen the xMoney ecosystem to grow.
Frequent cashback questions
Do I get rewards even when not paying in UTK?
Yes, whatever cryptocurrency you chose to pay with, you will always be entitled to UTK rewards.
How can I get access to card payments?
Being part of the MultiversX ecosystem brings you access to a multitude of new products. By signing up to xPortal on Android or iOS you’ll have access to the xCard along with a lot of other features.
I earn from the business fees I’m charged?
Absolutely, by using xMoney you can end up being paid yo process crypto payments. xMoney allocates 5% of this amount in UTK, giving it back to the business.
Join the xMoney revolution
Take advantage of the new UTK tokenomics and become a part of the xMoney ecosystem. Whether you’re a token holder, a business or a buyer there are benefits for everyone. To keep up with the latest updates join us on our platforms.